''GIRLS, STUDY STEM DEGREES … a job awaits you”
The World Economic Forum (2020) has indicated the "top 10 skills of 2025"; among these, there are only two related to technology. The rest are skills defined as soft, transversal, smart, or power skills. Those who do not possess them will progressively have difficulties both in their profession and in their career, vertical or horizontal (scientific-technical or otherwise). Men know it!
Furthermore, if your talent is, for example, communication, by studying technological-scientific subjects you will be able to demonstrate your intellectual abilities and even find work quickly, but it will be difficult for you to reach your vocation and excellent performance levels. What's more, in the meantime you'll also stifle your true talent (which, coincidentally, has become exactly what is in demand in the fluid and unpredictable market?).
STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) subjects are useful and fascinating, but I would not advise any girl to choose them just to fill the gender gap or gaps in the national production system.
The awareness of girls must also grow in this direction. And the socio-economic system has the task of acting first, much sooner.
Business Model based Innovation
CINNAM proposes its advisory and mentoring service BUSINESS MODEL based INNOVATION (BMI-ALDEHYDE MBS®) in a new smart format: e-BLOOMING. The service, carried out as a methodological and creative support for organizations, companies and professionals that are working on business innovation projects, has been re-designed for the actual market and working context, delivering highly flexible, visual and interactive digital solutions for collaborative innovation, planning and change management processes.
Our creative and managerial activities contribute to the increase in added value within the open and/or platform innovation of large companies, as well as to the innovation management, continuous improvement, start-upping, change management, sustainability and bid management of companies of all sizes.
We help enterprises to achieve a sustainable development, to find the right balance between resilience, efficiency and innovation.
Image courtesy of Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
Innovation Projects
We can help you with innovation!
First of all, with the management of Collaborative Innovation processes (ISO 56002 and 56003), through smart working on visual collaboration platforms, and personalized mentoring aimed at enhancing individual and group skills of Your human resources.
If you have to manage structural interventions of your business system, our BUSINESS MODEL based INNOVATION method (BMI-ALDEHYDE MBS®) greatly facilitates the management of changes at all levels, from strategic development of the company/brand to the formulation of frontline value propositions of commercial and technical offers for the market.
We also point out the LIVELLA® Self Wellbeing Management (www.blymum.com) project, dedicated to improving individual prosperity and comfort in the four spheres Body, Mind, Work and World, with tangible benefits both for Your people and for Your Company.
For all forms of collaboration, it is possible to interact in presence and/or remotely, always with a mindset of sustainability, wellbeing, smart working and creativity.
Image courtesy of Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
Innovation Management 2022
CINNAM's approach has always been appreciated for the continuous search for managerial solutions with a proportionate balance between creativity and engineering. In our innovation consulting, the creativity is supported by a series of our original methodologies, as well as by techniques and creative methods adopted from the market, predominantly linked to lateral thinking, marketing and design thinking.
The rational aspect of innovation, more rigid, technical and often quantifiable, pertains to the objective of ensuring the correctness and efficiency of the process, and the best timing of its impact. In our practice, it observes the reference ISO Standards, specifically: ISO 56002 on Innovation Management Systems; ISO 56003 dedicated to Tools and Methods for Collaborative Innovation Partnerships, as well as the ISO 44000 series which deals with Collaborative Business Relationship Management (essential for the management of Open Innovation).
Furthermore, the global events highlight the need to comply with the new SDG Impact Standards for Enterprises.
CREATIVITY, IMPACT AND STANDARDIZATION… a challenging combination to give our differentiating and selective support to the sustainable development of companies, people and the territory.
Background Image by Dewald Van Rensburg from Pixabay